http video stream

ATSC 3.0 Forum
Posts: 20388
Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:39 am
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http video stream

Post by nickk »

Example http URL for video:

Code: Select all

Replace "1080000C" with the Device ID of your HDHomeRun (or replace "1080000C.local" with the IP address of your HDHomeRun).
Replace "v10.1" with the desired virtual channel.
Replace "duration=120" with the desired duration in seconds.

A physical channel can be specified by using "ch35p0p1" instead of "v10.1", in this example tuning channel 35 with PLPs 0 and 1.

ATSC 3.0 DEV models:

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Supported formats:
j288: ALP frames carried by TS frames using J288 encoding (full mux).
alp-pcap: Pcap packet capture of ALP frames (full mux).
ipv4-pcap: Pcap packet capture of IPv4 frames (full mux).
dash-tar: TAR archive containing DASH segments (selected virtual channel).

If the stream is in MMTP format and dash-tar format is specified the MMTP data is converted into DASH format.


Code: Select all

wget "http://1080000C.local:5004/auto/v10.1?duration=120&format=dash-tar" -O v10.0.tar

Code: Select all

curl "http://1080000C.local:5004/auto/v10.1?duration=120&format=dash-tar" -o v10.0.tar

Posts: 20388
Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:39 am
x 256

Re: http video stream

Post by nickk »

Firmware update 20201014:

A physical channel can be specified by using "ch35p0p1" instead of "v10.1", in this example tuning channel 35 with PLPs 0 and 1.
