Asustor APK for DVR Record Engine

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Re: Asustor APK for DVR Record Engine

Post by demonrik »

NEW PACKAGE AVAILABLE To move to new package - simply do manual install of new package

new APKG HDHomeRunDVR_0.4.5_any.apk available in the usual locationsGoogle Drive, DropBox, OneDrive

Code is available on github

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Re: Asustor APK for DVR Record Engine

Post by demonrik »

  • Updated Engine to latest release 20200225
To move to new package - simply do manual install of new package

new APKG HDHomeRunDVR_0.4.5_any.apk available in the usual locationsGoogle Drive, DropBox, OneDrive

Code is available on github

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Re: Asustor APK for DVR Record Engine

Post by demonrik »

  • Updated Engine to latest release 20200521
To move to new package - simply do manual install of new package

new APKG HDHomeRunDVR_0.4.7_any.apk available in the usual locationsGoogle Drive, DropBox, OneDrive

Code is available on github

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Re: Asustor APK for DVR Record Engine

Post by demonrik »

Big change here - apologies it took so long. Some good news and some bad.. And heads up - you will need to do work to upgrade

Main goal of this release has been to
(a) minimize the support headaches of permissions
(b) streamline the install process for better user experience, and minimize code
(c) remove/reduce duplication with SDs existing interfaces (i.e. recordings)
(d) refactor as much as possible to maximize reuse of scripts and code between the various NAS installers

So good news first
  • Have changed to be similar to the docker image I created and on starting the engine, the script now gets the latest record engine from SDs servers and runs that. This will mean once SD make available a new version of the record engine you will not need to wait for me to release a new APKG. Just simply stop and start the engine and it will pick it up.
  • To also make it easier, I've added some parameters to the config file I manage for the engine that you can edit. You want to look at BetaEngine parameter, and set this to 1 and it will download from both the beta and the release URLs and then compare to see which is newer and use that.. if BetaEngine is set to anything but 1 it will only download the latest full release.
  • The APKG now creates a 'hdhomerundvr' user to run the engine under. this user will be removed on uninstalling the package. You can change the user to run as by editing the config file once more and changing the 'RunAs' parameter to the username you want to run as.
  • The APKG now creates a HDHomeRunDVR share by default and not a standard folder, and then adds the administrators and http groups to it, as well as the new user created above.
  • Installing and Removing the APKG is logged to /tmp/hdhomerundvr_install.log which should help us understand when things go wrong
  • UI Page now opens direct to the dashboard
  • Since I've reduced the code/scripts considerably and rolling update means less need to do APKG updates I am finally updating this to version 1.0.0
So now bad news, or things removed
  • Recordings management has been completely removed. This broke recently, and was hitting issues with permissions quite a bit. Also since the SD page for your record engine lists the recordings properly - is better to simply point you there.. and that is possible by clicking the first link for the record engine in the HDHR list in the dashboard.
  • Engine start/stop from the DVR Manager UI has been removed. Running in to permissions issues a lot, and some crazy thing happening on Synology directly was causing the wrappers to get out of whack with the UI.. You can start/stop the service for HDHomeRunDVR via the command line or the App Center anyway, so removing doesn't remove capability, just duplication and simplifies support.
  • Removed the log file management.. Since SD added the cleanup of the log files automatically by the record engine, this features wasn't needed and it cleans up the interface.
  • Wrappers are no longer needed and removed
  • IMPORTANT That change of user means you need to ensure the user has permissions to your existing recordings. Simply add the new user 'hdhomerundvr' to your recordpath share or change the RunAs user once upgraded and you should be good
To move to new package - simply do manual install of new package. But beware of the user/permissions thing above.

new APKG HDHomeRunDVR-1.0.0_any.apk available in the usual locations Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive

Code is available on github

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Re: Asustor APK for DVR Record Engine

Post by demonrik »

  • Fixes for install script to ensure RunAs and BetaEngine added as params
  • Fixes for start script in case BetaEngine missing
  • Includes UI update to rad/modify the new params
To move to new package - simply do manual install of new package

new APKG HDHomeRunDVR_1.0.1_any.apk available in the usual locationsGoogle Drive, DropBox, OneDrive

Code is available on github

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Re: Asustor APK for DVR Record Engine

Post by demonrik »

Google Drive updated security
Updated OP with new link to Drive

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Re: Asustor APK for DVR Record Engine

Post by demonrik »

As noted elsewhere I'm ceasing support of this package.
There's been 0 feedback which either means no-one uses it or all is great.. I hope is the last one ;)

Either way.. My preferred method for Asustor now is to use containers and that is my recommendation.
To install my unofficial docker container on Asustor is really really easy.
See viewtopic.php?t=73757 for more info and support of that.

Below are instructions on how to install/setup on Asustor - ADM3.x or ADM4
  1. Open your 'App Central' and look for 'Docker-ce' and install
  2. Again in 'App Central' find 'Portainer CE' and install
    this will create a new shared folder called 'Docker'
  3. If you haven't already got a share created for the recordings, now is the time to create one in 'Access Control' -> 'Shared Folders'. Am going to assume this is called HDHomeRunDVR for now, and is created on 'Volume1'
  4. If you DO have a shared folder already then now is a good opportunity to note it's full location. In 'Access Control' -> 'Shared Folders' select your share and click on 'Edit'. Note the volume it was created on.
  5. Also at this point if you wish to run the DVR as a specific user, now's the time to look that user up in 'Access Control' -> 'Local Users' and via 'Edit' note the UID for the user
    and the groups they are part of
    Also check that they have RW access to the share
    and finally, also then select 'Access Control -> Local Groups' and check the GID of one of the groups.
  6. Before we move over to Portainer, need to create something to hold the DVR configuration - Open the 'File Explorer' and open the 'Docker' Shared Folder. We need to create a folder for the DVR service - I'm assuming it'll be called DVR. Make sure your user you want to use (if you want to specify) has write permissions here.
  7. Now log in to your Portainer instance. You will have to create a new admin password, so set it, confirm and select 'Create User'
  8. you want to manage this local instance - so select 'Get Started'
  9. Select the 'local' instance, then 'Container'
  10. Select 'Add Container' to now set things up, and it will open a page to configure everything, mostly you'll use defaults, and here's what you need to change/add
    • Name: whatever you want to call this DVR - e.g. MyDVR
    • Image: demonrik/hdhrdvr-docker:latest
    • If you wish to use a specific user, under 'Command and Logging' (the default tab at the bottom) set 'User: UID:GID' that you discovered from before, e.g. 1000:1020
    • Under 'Volumes' you need to click 'map additional volume' 2 times. For each - select 'Bind' and then replace the host paths with the paths from above
      container: /dvrdata | host: /volume1/Docker/DVR
      container: /dvrrec | host: /volume1/HDHomeRunDVR
    • Under 'Network' set Network: host
    • under 'Restart Policy' select 'Always'
    • Select 'Deploy the Container' to do just that

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Re: Asustor APK for DVR Record Engine

Post by mropincar »

does this work on an Asustor with an ARM processor? I tried the docker install but couldnt get it to work. I still cant see the Asustor NAS in the HD Homerun setup when i click the NAS setup button.

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Re: Asustor APK for DVR Record Engine

Post by signcarver »

Generally people would prefer this package but for SD's NAS install, rather than this package, the NAS typically will only be detected by that setup process only if you also have a dlna server turned on.

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Re: Asustor APK for DVR Record Engine

Post by mropincar »

So i assume i would need to add an install of miniDLNA or UPNP media server to my server to get this docker package to work? Both have DLNA capability. I have UPNP media server installed and its still not detectable in HDHomerun NAS setup.

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Re: Asustor APK for DVR Record Engine

Post by signcarver »

No that requirement is only for SD's installer to find the NAS nothing to do with demonrik's packages. Typically most nas's docker has to run on x86...

Basically any installer grabs the "linux" file of the engine from sd, when that executes it extracts from itself the real engine for your platfor (i.e. arm, x86...) to /tmp and executes such from there. Many devices may mount /tmp as noexec so then the key is to either change that or move the extracted file to another location and execute that (you also may need to provide parameters to where the config file is). I do not know what demonrik does with the docker (i.e. he might be assuming to copy "x86" from /tmp to another folder thus the issue with docker on arm) but the regular asustor package shouldn't have an issue unless an update changed mount of /tmp to noexec.

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Re: Asustor APK for DVR Record Engine

Post by demonrik »

APK should support install to ARM based Asustor NASes
I am unable to verify - and for longest time they didn't have anything but x86 NASes.
However, I did set the architecture to ANY so it should install and work.

The docker container will not work on ARM based NASes since it's built on an x86 linux base.
Again for longest time ARM based NAS's didn't support ARM - something for future release.

As for the Silicondust installer. Make sure you have UPNP enabled on your router, and you may need to temporarily stop/disable any firewall/antivirus on your host computer as in many cases they block the UPNP discovery process. I'd start with the firewall/antivirus first.

It's important to not mix up the different installers. Use only 1 of the 3 installation methods.

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